CLI_REQROSTER2 Channel: 2 SNAC(13,4) This command, like CLI_REQROSTER (13,5), requests the server side contact list. The difference between CLI_REQROSTER2 and CLI_REQROSTER is that CLI_REQROSTER2 has no parameters, and always causes SRV_REPLYROSTER (rather than SRV_REPLYROSTEROK). My guess is that CLI_REQROSTER2 is sent instead of CLI_REQROSTER when the client does not have a cached copy of the contact list; ie, the first time a user logs in with a particular client. No Parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2a 02 02 e9 00 0a FLAP: Channel 2, Seq 0x2e9, Length 0xa 00 13 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 04 SNAC: 0x13/0x04, Ref 0x10004, Flags 0